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Unethical practices of fashion labels: Urbanic

Urbanic is a popular fashion label known for its trendy clothing and accessories. However, the brand has been caught up in several controversies regarding its ethical practices in recent years.

One of the major ethical issues with Urbanic is its use of sweatshops to manufacture its products. Sweatshops are factories where workers are paid very low wages and have to work long hours in poor conditions. Urbanic has been accused of using such factories in countries like Bangladesh, where workers are paid as little as $2 a day. This is not only unethical but also goes against the principles of fair labor practices.

Another ethical issue with Urbanic is its use of animal products in its clothing and accessories. The brand has been criticized for using materials like leather and fur, which are obtained through cruel and inhumane methods. Many animal rights activists have called for a boycott of the brand due to this practice.

Urbanic has also been accused of promoting unhealthy body image and perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards. The brand has been criticized for using models who are extremely thin and for promoting a narrow definition of beauty. This can have a negative impact on young people who may develop unhealthy attitudes towards their bodies.

On the other hand, Urbanic has made efforts to address some of these ethical concerns. The brand has started using more sustainable materials in its products and has implemented fair labor practices in some of its factories. However, more needs to be done to ensure that the brand is truly ethical and sustainable.

In conclusion, while Urbanic may be a popular fashion label, it has faced criticism for its unethical practices. The brand needs to take responsibility for its actions and work towards being more sustainable, fair, and ethical. Consumers also have a role to play in holding the brand accountable by choosing to support companies that prioritize ethical and sustainable practices.

-Vrinda Suri

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