Key considerations in selecting any training program include the following:
* Who will take the course and why?
* What is the context and focus of content?
* How deep is the learning level required?
* What type of learning is needed?
* What is the training time frame?
* How will the training take place?
* How will training performance be evaluated?
Trainers should keep in mind the following important points:
* Experts and novices process information differently
* A learning style is a mode that is most effective for each individual
* Matching the form of instruction to an individual learning style optimizes learning
* Persistence and time on task is more critical to training success than creating a fun experience
* Enjoyment follows learning achievement
* Media and technology do not heighten learning effectiveness
* A blend of online and face-to-face instruction produces the best learning results
* Formulas for solving problems train learners to solve similar problems
* Learners have cognitive load limits that process chunked information more easily than volumes of data
* An effective training program allows sufficient time for learning, offers pre-training preparation and post-training support, supplies adequate resources and incentives, and gives workers opportunities to act on new knowledge
* Good performance during training does not necessarily translate to improved job performance
* Right brain/left brain-focused training is not as effective as engaging the whole brain
* Common sense is one of the major enemies of science
Effective trainers must also remember that the best courses are learner-centered, performance-based, and produce demonstrable results.
Finally, as analytical psychologist Carl Jung has demonstrated, true learning often takes place on a deeper level of consciousness, while both instructor and learner are conveying and absorbing material. Body language and word choice carry deeper nuances that reach the level of consciousness where transformation, rather than absorption of information, takes place.