The STEER Model
The STEER model is a tool that is ideal for managers when formally coaching a direct report on a specific task. It helps a manager–coach structure formal on-the-job coaching. The acronym stands for:
S – Spot –Opportunities for coaching often arise in a business, often as a result of change. You can ‘spot’ opportunities for coaching individuals in your team on specific issues by observing their behaviour at work, as a response to a formal performance review or specific feedback from others in the business (a colleague or another manager).
T – Tailor –It’s important for you to ‘tailor’ the coaching so it can be put into the individual’s own personal context, so that they can get the best out of it. To tailor the session, you will need to know a little about the coachee beforehand (e.g. are they a new or an experienced member of staff, what is their learning style?).
E – Explain –You must ‘explain’ to the individual what the coaching session will be about, what you hope to achieve from it, how the session will run and approximately how long it will last. You will find it beneficial if this is done before the session itself, so you can check your mutual understanding and agreement of what will be achieved, and prepare the coachee by asking them to reflect on a few key questions.
E – Encourage –Once you have agreed the coachee’s actions at the end of the session, it is time for you to ‘encourage’ them as they make progress towards their goals. Your job as coach is to offer praise as they take their first hesitant steps, not just to tell them where they’re going wrong. Constructive feedback should be given, so the coachee is aware of what they have mastered and what needs further practise.
R – Review –A progress ‘review’ at agreed intervals is important so that the coachee is aware of whether they are close to achieving their goals. Formally acknowledging progress, however limited, helps maintain their motivation towards achieving agreed goals. The review checkpoint is also valuable to the coach, in understanding how effective your coaching has been.
ANUBHA WALIA is a veteran in the learning & training industry for more than fifteen years of experience and Director at Prism Trainings & Consultancy, a company specializing in training, facilitation, instructional design and content development for learning. She has developed a staff and network of consultants, trainers & management expertise across all disciplines of corporate and academic learning. First lady in India, to do research in Followership and bagged numerous Emerging HRD thinker awards. Prism provides custom training and documentation solutions for a client list that includes companies such as Motherson, Airtel, Aircel, Bosch, Emerson, UTI Mutual fund, IDBI, Axis Bank. She has been visiting faculty and keynote speaker with MDI, ISTD, KRMangalam, FIIB, JIMS and IIFP. You can view about her at FB : anubhawalia, Linkedln:anubhawalia, Blog: